Sib Law's poetry, photography, and other musings

Creative. Human. Being.

Archive for November 2010

IAWTV and Streamys Move To Separate Awards Shows

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Disclosure: J. Sibley Law is a member of the IAWTV and its Awards Committee.

Today the International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) announced that it was breaking off negotiations with Tubefilter regarding acquisition of the Streamy Awards. The announcement expressed a natural conflict of structure between for profit and not-for-profit entities. Ultimately, the IAWTV will produce its own show and by all accounts the relationship between the two organizations is very friendly.

That said, many people were surprised by the announcement. Both Zadi Diaz and Felicia Day shared very heartfelt thoughts about the announcement shortly after it was made and expressed a very positive tone for the future.

Amber J. Lawson, Chair of the Awards Committee, who has been very involved in the dialog with Tubefilter, agreed to be interviewed about the decision via Skype Chat earlier today.

Here is that interview:

Trend-Setter Gets Invited to YouTube Partner Program

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Melissa Gonzalez doesn’t let the dust settle under her feet. She is co-founder of RS Pop-Up Shop, which blends online video, with fashion, branding, and a hot store front location in mid-town Manhattan on Lexington Ave. The former host of Latin Beat on BET also runs To call her a go-getter with vision would be an understatement. She’s been a Wall Street Executive, a television host, a style maven, and a successful blended-industry entrepreneur. This woman knows a few things. However, recently, she and a friend started a comedy show “just for fun” called: The Glory Box Girls. Though the chit-chat might edge toward racy (they’re on YouTube, afterall), something unexpected happened. One of their videos crossed beyond a thousand views, began receiving a lot of comments, and then YouTube invited them to include that video in their Partner Program. Melissa  agreed to go on camera can talk a bit about their entry into the Partner Program, some of the choices the program is influencing, and she agreed to come back and talk with us in about six months to discuss how it’s going.

Here is what Melissa has to say: